Thank you to our clients who have been patient and faithfully over the last 6 months and especially during the COVID-19 period. TechEnticer as a technology provider primarily to the security and education sector has been forced to make changes to its business operations in 2020 which meant partnering with a data solutions provider for our hosted platforms. It's been a rough ride with the partnership ultimately breaking down and unable to resolve technical issues in a timely manner.

As a result of these ongoing issues, and the provider unable to resolve them in a timely or practical manner, we have listened to our clients and we have changed our hosting partner to someone who is much more co-operative. We believe this will strengthen both our place in the technology supply industry, but also assist our clients simply by providing them with a service that is dependable and meets expectations.

We thank you all for your patience while we change over to this new service, and hope your experience is a positive one.

Steve Strauss

Friday, September 11, 2020

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